Year Anniversary
In this interactive webinar you will learn:
How the pandemic will influence your nutrition practice?
The new normal and getting used to it
Offline to online - how to bridge the gap?
How to make your practice lockdown-proof
How to not just survive, but THRIVE in 2020!
INR 500
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Dr. Vishal Marwah
MBBS, MS in Health Promotion (USA)
Director - NEP
Dr. Vishal Marwah is the Founder and Physician Leader at VISHWAS, a social enterprise committed to promote leadership among healthcare professionals. Over the past few years, Dr. Vishal has been a family physician, wellness coach, researcher, motivational speaker, author, and yoga teacher. His efforts have been recognized at the international level, and the VISHWAS model of Physician Leadership has been awarded the ‘Grand Challenges Canada – Rising Stars in Global Health’ grant award. Dr. Vishal has conducted 200+ webinars in the past 4 years. He has also led the Mumbai Chapter of the Start-up Leadership Program, and has been the Lead Evangelist for the TiE Health Entrepreneurs network.